Yesterday the 18th of March there was quite a bit of panic as it was uncertain how the dive sites on the island would operate on the island during the lock down. Here’s a list of what we know so far. Sources: facebook posts by the company or direct info from employees.
Current lockdown dates: 18 March till 2 April
Diving allowed, but only with people from your own house hold.
Any shop that is open ONLY offers tanks/equipment pick-ups. That means: No courses, no boat diving, no sales.
AB Dive: Tanks only in the mornings 8AM-12PM after reservering tanks. No walk ins. Phone 717 8980
Buddy Dive: Only current customers that are green listed can pick up tanks. No new customers. Phone: 717 5080
Dive Friends: After sending an e-mail to everyone telling they would be closing for two weeks, they’ve reconsidered. Now Port Bonaire and Sand Dollar (Den Laman) are open between 9AM and 5PM. All other locations closed. Phone: 780 2572
Private Divers Bonaire: Tanks only 9AM-12PM. Phone: 786 6763
Toucan Diving: Tanks only for Plaza Resort customers between 8AM and 12PM. Phone 717 2500
Tropical Divers: Tanks only. Open 9AM – 4PM. Phone: 717 5111
VIP Diving: Drive Thru for tanks & rental gear. 8AM – 5PM. Phone 701 7701
For dive shop owners: if any of this information is incorrect, missing or need updating. Please contact Dutch Mermaid on facebook – easiest way to reach and get an update on this page. Thank you!