Dive Site X19: Turtle City

Dive Site name: Turtle City
Location: East Coast Bonaire
Level: Easy
Current: Can be present
Max. Depth: 5 – 30M
Accessibility: Shore & Boat 
Snorkeling?: No
GPS to Parking: *CLICK* 

Dive site description: 

What do you reckon you get to see a lot when scuba diving at Turtle City? That’s right! Sea turtles! Usually Green Sea Turtles to be exact. Turtle city is literally covered in them. It’s not unusual to spot 25+ in one dive. Often big ones too! 

At the turtle city there’s a lot of food that the Green Sea Turtles eat. Especially in the afternoons, once the turtles ate enough they hold siesta and end up taking naps at Turtle City. Often very shallow. 

You can dive Turtle City both by boat and shore. Though usually boat is very much recommended as it’s quite a long walk from shore in the shallow water to Turtle City. Bonaire East Coast Diving offers boat dives at Turtle City. Enjoy Dutch Mermaid’s vlog about the trip to Turtle City. 

Do you have a picture that you took on this dive site, that you would like to share? Email us at info “@” bonaire.digital

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  1. Boat diving the always surprising East Coast of Bonaire - Dutch Mermaid

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