Dive Site 16: 1000 Steps

Dive Site name: 1000 Steps
Location: North-West Bonaire
Level: Easy
Current: Little to none
Visibility: 10 – 30M
Accessibility: Shore & Boat 
Snorkeling?: Yes
GPS to Parking: *CLICK*

Dive site decription: 1000 Steps is a dive site that was named after the stone stairs that you need to walk down to reach a beautiful secluded beach. Now mind you, it’s not really a total of 1000 steps, actually just 73. But for some people it feels like a 1000, especially going up! 

Make sure to watch Dutch Mermaid’s YouTube video below to get a good impression on reaching the site, parking and entry.

1000 Step’s is a great site for everyone. It’s easy diving, rarely any current. And also for snorkelers it’s a great spot as there’s the little beach and often sea turtles in the shallows.

Diver’s can expect a huge variety of underwater life. Some big corals are hosting and hiding lots of fishies. Keep an eye out in the blue for the Sea Turtles and passing rays or barracuda’s! 

Do you have a picture that you took on this dive site, that you would like to share? Email us at info “@” bonaire.digital

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  1. Dive Site a 1000 Steps in Bonaire - Scuba Diving - Dutch Mermaid

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